Monday, June 11, 2007

Its like 4am in the morning k :x
And we didn't sleep at all! So now currently I'm at downtowneast the cyber cafe using the internet :D 4 dollars per hour. Got the boys to treat us each 2 dollars [: Thanks!

Okay. So today we went to Escape Theme Park! Super fun. Got very very very wet. Met a very buay song ah-lian over there. GAHHHHH. Hate her la.
She stared at us first -.-
Oh, so it's our fault? :/

After that, tahpao dinner and went back to the chalet to eat! Messed up the whole bed! {:
Had ants all over the table! -.-

Then we stayed inside from 9pm to 4am.
Watched NORBIT. Yes, that's NC16 -.- But we still watched! Its not porn, just that her ahem-ahem very big O_O
And we watched 映差亮作. Yeah, y'know that hell show whioch Edumand Chen act in? LOL.
Watched until 2pm. Then from 2 to 4 we started playing playstation inside our chalet. The boys played the ghost game. Wah, freaking scary la. The ghost pop up from no where -.-
Nice, nice, nice {: Bang here bang there, then go heaven :/

So now I left 30 mins to use the computer only. And yeah! Those sentosa photos! LOL. Still have not receive them yet. And I'm too lazy to post about it. So uh, wait? [:

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