Friday, June 6, 2008

When you are really bored............ C:

1. Your name?
Joanne - to quickly devour or consume large amounts of food, especially ones containing many calories.

2. Relationship status?
Single - to feel like the bird in the sky.

3. One word to describe yourself?
Corrosive (HA HA HA HA HA!) - the best of the worst.

4. What should you be doing now?
Eating (apples!) - To destroy, ravage, or use up by or as if by ingesting

5. Favourite food?
Chocolate cookies (Esp subway!) - The Best tasting snack! Who told you you could eat my cookies.

6. Hometown?
Singapore - 5 types of climate: hot, very hot, damn its freakin' hot, wow look roast human char siew all over the streets!, otherwise.

7. Finish the line: "the best thing[s] in life is/are __?"
Phones -Person: Hello?
Telemarketer: Thank you for purchasing a telephone, you are now eligible to receive calls so you can get discounts on HOT products.

Friends - people who are aware of how retarded you are and still manage to be seen in public with you. people who make you laugh till you pee your pants.

(H)(H)(H) Off to sandy's house now! Yesterday's conference till phone died out lol. Karen, quick send me the camp peeekchures ho ho! :B

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