Wednesday, October 29, 2008

I spent two-fifth of my day at parkway, one-fifth at school which was very dumb cos briefing only lasted for 15 minutes, another two-fifth over at ehub walking aimlessly around like fools.

Msh meeting went pretty well, but kendrick still have not confirmed his house : ( Hot fudge was enough to keep my stomach occupied for 2 hours at macs. The wind blew and the wasabi power flew up to Renia's nose. Please laugh along ha ha ha ha ha wasabi stinks. And i found Sharpay's new best friend, bag psp clutch keychain pen pencils staple, the inside of the bag was all pink omgosh guess who -- ssshhhh.

Although the 3 waffles caused us to rush like mad, but still thankq song, thankq for the waffles. I can't imagine how stupid we look while running like frogs with your bag kept falling off your shoulder and my shoe dropping halfway out.

I rock so much because my camera is clearer than celine's one though same phone. Ha ha ha see, who's the better owner now har celine. And Shuling dont you dare take long term mc and skip netball, you you......... captain ley! Duck's cool because she wanted to sponser me 2 bucks for Hsm3. If i were to count the entire year of duck sponsering me $, it can add up to like a hundred$. See now i show you how much i appearciate you bwhahaha.

Met up Ben at paya lebar after open house briefing, he jumped from topic to topic which shows he was super random. I FOUND OUT SOMETHING COOL TO ME. I found out that Air steward is to address a guy, and air stewardess is for girls, you know what initally i thought air steward/ air stewardess were singular and plural nouns!!!!!!!!! HA HA WHAT THE.

Oh man now poly seems much more appealing to me instead of jc, you can hear like the 101 reasons disadvantages of Junior college from him. I want to see his coach who is 2 meters tall and have an extra little finger sticking out from his thumb, insane ELEVEN FINGERS OMG OMG I WANT TO SEEEEEEEEEE.

Stupid training tomorrow and i shall make an effort to train hard. Dig your ears, yes you heard me! Shall get my To-do holiday list up soon. I WANT TO SEE THE ELEVEN FINGER COACH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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