Tuesday, December 16, 2008

We were supposed to go down to Bugis' pushcart and celebrate Samantha's (Joan's friend) birthday but decided to stay home for the day to pack and do homework!! But look's like i am still not starting on any yet. What am I doing?! Okay anyway i'm leaving 5.30 am on a thursday morning and will be back on saturday night. AM TRYING TO PERSUADE THEM TO COME BACK ON SATURDAY AFTERNOON SO AT LEAST I CAN RUSH TO CHRISTMAS SERVICE. Meanwhile besides not packing and not doing any homework and waiting for Ian to send me group photos, get.your.fingers.to.do.michelle's.quiz! HAHA.

Starting time: 1404
Shoe size: 4/5
Height: Its a girl's secret hahahahaha.
Where u live: Pasir Ris
Favorite drinks: Chocolate shake/ Carbonated drinks (yay!!)

Have you ever:

1. Been on a plane?
When I was young, pathetic.

2. Fallen asleep in school?

3. Broke someone heart?
Don't think so.

4. Fell off your chair?
Fell off a sofa.

5. Sit by the phone all night waiting for someone's call?

6. Saved e-mails?
Lazy to delete them.

7. What is your room like?
Not very organised hahahaha.

8. The last thing you ate?
Marks & Spencer Chocolate chip cookies!

9. Ever had chicken pox?

10. Sore throat?
Just recovered!

11. Broken nose?
Uh no.

12. Do u believe in love at first sight?
Eyecandy yes, love no.

13. Do u like picnics?
Thumbs up!

Who was the last person:

14. You danced with?

15. Who made you smile?
Can't remember!

16. You last yelled at?

Today did you:

17. Talk to someone u like?
Talked to someone I loved. LOL.

18. Kiss anyone?

19. Fall sick?
Not again.

20. Talk to an ex?

21. Miss someone?

22. Eat?
Solid yes!

23. Best feeling in the world?
Christmas is coming!

24. Do you sleep with stuff animals?
Elmo hahaha.

25. What's under your bed?

26. Who do you really hate?
Forgive and forget.

27. What time is it?
Tiger time.


28. Is there someone in your mind?

29. Do you have any siblings?

30. Do you one children?

31. Do you smile often?
Depends on my mood LOL.

32. Do u like your handwriting?
I only like my handwriting when I write with a marker. My handwriting seems prettier on marker then pen.

33. Are your toe nails painted?
Yup but its chipping off.

34. Whose bed rather then yours will you sleep in?
Daphne's comfy bed.

35. What color shirt are you wearing?

36. What were you doing at 7pm yesterday?
@ Burger king stealing Joanc's fries!

37. You can't wait till?

38. Are you friendly?
I don't look friendly HAHAHAHAHAHA.

39. Do you have any pets?
I wish to.

40. Where is the person you have feelings for right now?
Who do I have feelings for?!

41. Did the last person you held hands with mean anything to u?
I LAST HELD HANDS WITH TOH SIEWTING ALONG PASIR RIS MRT HAHAHA RMB!!!! And she was like "This is my last time holding hand with you, so you must treasure!!!" LOL.

42. Do you sleep with the tv on?
Ever once!

43. Have you ever crawled through a window?
Classroom window HA HA yes.

44. Are you too forgiving?
I don't know.

45. Are you closer to your mum or dad?
Mum I guess.

46. Who was the last person u cried in front of?
Can't rmb!

47. Do you eat healthily?
If you consider macs healthy! HAHAHA.

48. Do you have a picture of you and your ex?

49. Have you ever cried over something someone said to you?
Should not be.

50. If your having a bad day where will you go?
Head home, I don't like spending a bad day out.

51. Are you loud or quiet most of the time?

52. Are you confident?
I don't know.

53. 5 things you were doing 10 years ago?
When I was 4.....? Whinning away.

54. 5 things on your today to do list.
Letters, homework, television, qt, pack.

55. 5 things you would do if i was a billionaire.

56. 5 of your bad habits
Procrastinating, Laziness, Not switching off the lights everytime, Spoiling phone, Not replying messages.

57. 5 places you've lived in
Blk 238 then to Avila gardens. So far only two.

58. 5 jobs you've had
Flyer distibuting. HAHAHA sucks.

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