Today I had 2 free periods, and we had pe for one of the period. Softball! And we have pe remedials for my class because we missed alot of lessons. Ikr pe remedials. Sucks to have pe on a friday because 2010 holidays are all on fridays! Another holiday this coming friday, good friday. Another lesson gone.
Speaking of Good friday, good friday service 'Capture' this coming sat!!!! Exciting because I think the speaker is really awesome.
Meridian and Temasek Jc came to talk for our assembly today. Still contemplating but I really got to decide soon between jc/poly.
I realise I haven't been eating from the jap store for 1 year plus. Kinda miss their curry don and chicken teriyaki, need to try them soon again before I forget how it taste like. Actually I already forgotten how it tasted like.
Try the meatball one!!!! It's nicer :)
Its a new meal right!!! Hahaha yesterday walked past jap and saw metball teriyaki, sounds good!!!!!
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