Friday, October 30, 2009

Check out what Mr Nicholas Loh wrote for Corey's CCA report slip.

"DSA Choir, but has repeatedly refused to turn up for practises despite reminders from teachers and parents. He has a cunning mind, turning up for practises only when they 'matter' and disappearing when they don't. Sometimes, he 'runs away' halfway through and spend a much longer time in the toilets than average kids every occasion he gets. Be careful of this sly individual. A potential contract-breaker who will manipulate the system to his own benefit."

Cunning mind. (So stalin)
Spend a longer time in toilet than average kids. (Goes to the toilet and never comes back!)
Sly individual. (SLY)
Manipulate to his own benefit.

And I'm totally not kidding HAHAHAHAHAHA. I totally laughed out loud when I read it. Best.

Last day in Seconday 3 today, no tears no sorrow because majority of us are promoted to secondary 4. Pearl Ong if you see this BE OPTIMISTIC STILL OK. Won't be seeing you in new block next year, ahhhh urgh sigh. Wish we could spent more time with you!

Alot of people are retaining and getting kicked out. This sucks, seriously. I wished the school wasn't so cruel! I bet they're doing this because we dropped from band 1 to band 3, and they don't want to let people scrap through sec 3. Ugh but stillllllllllllll.

Hate rainy days because the day gets so moody, guitar hero-ed and caught a number of chick vs dicks shows on and laughed.laughed.laughed. then cut durian ice cream mooncake (yumz) and stole a few guides cookie, rummaged thru classified newspaper and i hope the interview on monday doesn't get screwed up because i suck in first impressions - xx fingers, invited ants on the floor, eat more drink more and played super mario on wii!

TOM PALETTE'S ICE CREAM NEAR SUNTEC IS AWESOME. Need to go back there for more to satisfy my cravings for Granny's favourite, Salted Caramel Cheesecake, Chcolate stout flavours.

_ll the _'s in this sentence _re missing bec_use I hope they're tr_nsferred to your report book!!!! H_H_H_H_H_H_

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