Graduating in 7 days. I've yet to try canteen food since this year, except like burgers and pratas. I'm spamming western and jap next week, my last week!!! Hadn't ate a single plate of curry don since the start of this year. Hmm.
You know what Sandy's going to do on the last day of schl? HAHAHAHAHAHA she's evil.
My ulcer haven't recover you know!!! And oh yeah, mrt has the Get up and give up your seat song now.....
TWENTY FIVE MORE DAYS 252525252525252525
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
Sunday, September 26, 2010

This week's been great. Studied with Weining, Joan and Huishan :) I want to come up with a study plan. But I highly doubt I'll follow it tho. Those around me probably know I've an ulcer hahahahaha i've been whinning over it for days. Practically moaning, and Karen ho no matter how much bongela gel I applied, it still won't recovered! Stubborn useless ulcer.
Oh!!! There's chocolate buffet at Fullerton hotel. I was so hyped it over. Then I googled it after Weining told me. And its $38+/person. Okay forget it. So sad right :( :( :(
Weiling's going to leave Singapore to pursue her dip in photography next year. SHE'S GOING TO LEAVE ME AND HS IN SINGAPORE!!!!!!!!!! :( :( :( Going to miss her like mad. Smuggle us in your luggage!!!!! We're going to have good quality time after o's.
Shuling's cuteness is +++++. She was talking to me about geog over dinner. "My geog ah.... f9" "Huh why?! I thought our schl moderated our marks, add extra 7 marks" "Yeah add extra extra marks. At first U grade, after moderation become f9, still fail....." HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
WHO WATCHED TOOTH FAIRY WITH ME THIS YEAR IN JAN?!?!?!?! OWN UP CONFESS!!!!!!! I forgot. And I needa solve a mysterious mystery.
Anyway just got back from Duck's house with Sandy. We surprised-visit her! Don't worry about tomorrow, you'll get to eat your big cadbury bar soon, and no more porridge for you anymore too.
Collecting back my last 2 papers tomorrow. There have been good results, and of course bad ones too. 2 D7s, 2 C6s and 3 A1s in my pockets now. I don't really care tho because ultimately I'm looking at my O's? I am so determined SO SO DETERMINED to turn my D7 chem into a A1. You guys don't give up on me!!!!!!!!! I'm still having hope.
I had brownie with ice cream at Cafe Oliv with Weining today :) Yummy! Oh and happy birthday Pc! You've been a great friend, great chairman.
I wna celebrate mid-autumn with a lantern and mooncake tomorrow. I miss being young.
Anyway just got back from Duck's house with Sandy. We surprised-visit her! Don't worry about tomorrow, you'll get to eat your big cadbury bar soon, and no more porridge for you anymore too.
Collecting back my last 2 papers tomorrow. There have been good results, and of course bad ones too. 2 D7s, 2 C6s and 3 A1s in my pockets now. I don't really care tho because ultimately I'm looking at my O's? I am so determined SO SO DETERMINED to turn my D7 chem into a A1. You guys don't give up on me!!!!!!!!! I'm still having hope.
I had brownie with ice cream at Cafe Oliv with Weining today :) Yummy! Oh and happy birthday Pc! You've been a great friend, great chairman.
I wna celebrate mid-autumn with a lantern and mooncake tomorrow. I miss being young.
Monday, September 20, 2010
Sunday, September 19, 2010
I just ate a mooncake! FINALLY. I've been craving it since last year. But I don't like yolk. I must tell you this!!! Shuling ate a mooncake, and she was thinking why the yolk was so salty (fyi mooncake yolks are meant to be salty) And she thought salty egg = mooncake spoil. So she threw the whole mooncake away. HAHA YOU KNOW MOONCAKE HOW EXPENSIVE ANOT?!?!?!!!!
Anyway that reminds me of friday night. We played sparkles at the grasspatch!!!! In lieu of mid-autumn. I love throwing the sparkles high up into the sky. Nice sight. We shld do this more often. OH OH AND JOANC CREATED SNUFFY A FB ACCOUNT. Fyi snuffy's her softtoy keychain. Pam's going to create Squishy a fb account too. Squishy's snuffy good friend. Oh my goodness.
Anyway studied with Huishan today at the coffee bean. I'm convinced she's CRAZY :) love you still please take a break!
Happy birthday granddaddy! I made him a card :)
OSIM!!!!! - Oh Shucks Its Monday
Anyway that reminds me of friday night. We played sparkles at the grasspatch!!!! In lieu of mid-autumn. I love throwing the sparkles high up into the sky. Nice sight. We shld do this more often. OH OH AND JOANC CREATED SNUFFY A FB ACCOUNT. Fyi snuffy's her softtoy keychain. Pam's going to create Squishy a fb account too. Squishy's snuffy good friend. Oh my goodness.
Anyway studied with Huishan today at the coffee bean. I'm convinced she's CRAZY :) love you still please take a break!
Happy birthday granddaddy! I made him a card :)
OSIM!!!!! - Oh Shucks Its Monday
I feel so lazy to upload photos and videos. But it was baking at Siewting's house on thursday! We almost set the oven on fire. There were sparks. So it was like watching a horror movie while keeping a look out when baking. Failed baking :( Then sang karaoke! And had fun in playgrd.
Coffee-beaned with Shuling on friday before Corne Bekker's seminar. It was refeshing, the Book of Revelations :) Must really say I've learnt alot! The 4 creatures, 7 trumpets, 7 bows, end times etc. Love his "Can I have your eyeballs", sound just like Mr Soon's "eyeball me". Hahaha!
Hv been taking a breather for 3 days straight. If this goes on, I'll lose the momentum. Oh yeah, I've gotten back my eng, chinese and ss. L1r2 19! Let's wait for monday, more to come hehe. Anyway I had fun talking to Sam at the grasspatch just now :) Shall sleep soon and wake up early as usual!
Coffee-beaned with Shuling on friday before Corne Bekker's seminar. It was refeshing, the Book of Revelations :) Must really say I've learnt alot! The 4 creatures, 7 trumpets, 7 bows, end times etc. Love his "Can I have your eyeballs", sound just like Mr Soon's "eyeball me". Hahaha!
Hv been taking a breather for 3 days straight. If this goes on, I'll lose the momentum. Oh yeah, I've gotten back my eng, chinese and ss. L1r2 19! Let's wait for monday, more to come hehe. Anyway I had fun talking to Sam at the grasspatch just now :) Shall sleep soon and wake up early as usual!
Thursday, September 16, 2010

Its over ITS OVER the torturing 3 weeks of sleep study sleep study study. No wait, its not unofficially offical over. The end of prelims is just the start of o's. Okay its not over.
But anyway I had let my hair down yesterday! Waiting for the bio students to end their last paper today, then going to have fun today with them as well. And be back to studying on friday? Friday's Cornell bekker :) Oh bk is becoming more like macs! I bought a vanilla cone from bk yesterday. I'd say it was much worth (since it was 20 cents cheaper hehe okay singaporean aunty) and the cream that was on the cone was huge and tall!!!! It took me forever to lick it finish.
A few fun facts I found about dreams!
1. You Forget 90% of Your Dreams
Within 5 minutes of waking, half of your dream is forgotten. Within 10, 90% is gone.
2. Everybody Dreams
Every human being dreams. If you think, you are not dreaming, you just forget your dreams.
3. You can have four to seven dreams in one night.
4. If you are snoring, then you cannot be dreaming.
5. In Our Dreams We Only See Faces, That We already Know
Our mind is not inventing faces. We have all seen hundreds of thousands of faces throughout our lives, so we have an endless supply of characters for our brain to utilize during our dreams.
Have a great thursday! :) And I love waking up early.
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
Studied at the library with pc and jx yesterday! Both were crazy, busy memorising the full name of glanost and perestroika. And stalin's full name which jx wanted to memorise, osif Vissarionovich Dzhugashvili. Okay they claim it'll impress the teacher. I'm sure they will.
"Joanne, I have a 10-yr plan for you"
"First, I'll feed you like a pig for 5 years."
"Then I'll make you run and exercise, so that your fats will turn into muscles. Next I'll slaughter you and sell you off at a high price."
Enlightened me! Cows run around like crazy to convert their fats into muscles so that they would fetch a higher price for sale. Cos apparently it goes by weight.
I'm left with two papers!!!!!!! Happy.
"Joanne, I have a 10-yr plan for you"
"First, I'll feed you like a pig for 5 years."
"Then I'll make you run and exercise, so that your fats will turn into muscles. Next I'll slaughter you and sell you off at a high price."
Enlightened me! Cows run around like crazy to convert their fats into muscles so that they would fetch a higher price for sale. Cos apparently it goes by weight.
I'm left with two papers!!!!!!! Happy.
Friday, September 10, 2010

Singapore Swimming Club on wed! :) We braved thru the morning storm. It was so so so so heavy. I can't believe we walked in that heavy downpour, was literally drenched tho we had an umbrella. We studied in the comfy study corner, freezing cold. Then i realised all my geog notes were wet :( I slept on the sofa there :) Okay then lunch! OMG WE ATE CHICKEN PIE AND FISH AND CHIPS AND CHICKEN WINGS AND FRIES!! YUM YUM YUM HEHEHEHE.

We were drying our wet clothes ~

Domo very cool, know how to weighlift!

Back to study, and it was rrreally cold so we went out near the pond to study. Yay fishes! They kept jumping out of the water. We entertained ourselves with domo! THEN WE WENT GYMMING! For one and a half hours. Sweat. I like!

And we had a hearty dinner afterwards! Defeats the purpose ikr :) I had club sandwich! Cheeze ham and baaaacon and all my fav add ons. Was way past dinner time so I guess all the food ended up as fats for us? :)
PS: Kele say I look like chihuahua because both are small sized! Okay but me and her agreed that Sandy look like scooby doo! Hahahahaha!!!!!! Airport for study again and bake soon :)

Singapore Swimming Club on wed! :) We braved thru the morning storm. It was so so so so heavy. I can't believe we walked in that heavy downpour, was literally drenched tho we had an umbrella. We studied in the comfy study corner, freezing cold. Then i realised all my geog notes were wet :( I slept on the sofa there :) Okay then lunch! OMG WE ATE CHICKEN PIE AND FISH AND CHIPS AND CHICKEN WINGS AND FRIES!! YUM YUM YUM HEHEHEHE.

We were drying our wet clothes ~
Adventures of domo!

Domo very cool, know how to weighlift!

Back to study, and it was rrreally cold so we went out near the pond to study. Yay fishes! They kept jumping out of the water. We entertained ourselves with domo! THEN WE WENT GYMMING! For one and a half hours. Sweat. I like!

PS: Kele say I look like chihuahua because both are small sized! Okay but me and her agreed that Sandy look like scooby doo! Hahahahaha!!!!!! Airport for study again and bake soon :)
Tuesday, September 7, 2010
Went out with swthrt yesterday! And we had weird encounters with security guards haha but it was a fun day out putting aside studies. Then headed over for makeup tuition. No I don't mean makeup. It dragged till 10.30 and it was the latest time I ever ended tuition.
I hate ehisttttttttt ALOT :( :( :( I'll start on it by today (reluctantly) Good luck to those having N's tdy :)
I hate ehisttttttttt ALOT :( :( :( I'll start on it by today (reluctantly) Good luck to those having N's tdy :)
Sunday, September 5, 2010
Christianity is rising in China! Yesterday while lunching, I simply took out the newspaper and gave it a flip. And the big headline caught my attention. 6 pages long article. Anyway had fun serving with Kele yesterday! I bought my cup walker for the very first time, not a big fan of bubbletea anymore tho, because i needed small change. Oh yeah Sandy I still wna see your dog, soon okay!!!!!! :)
Its 7 more weeks. I can't wait for IT to be over. I can't wait to take up guitar and dance. I'm STILL thinking about chemistry but urgh what is done is already done :) Off for breakfast!
Its 7 more weeks. I can't wait for IT to be over. I can't wait to take up guitar and dance. I'm STILL thinking about chemistry but urgh what is done is already done :) Off for breakfast!
Friday, September 3, 2010
Its the end of term 3 today! Ikr it doesn't feels like it at all. Here comes "Sept holidays". Official holidays for us only starts after 12 nov. I still feel unhappy about today's paper!!!!! Even while I was doing my Emath paper 2 I was cursing myself for the chem paper. So annoying. Okay please cool now.
But! Had a super fun night with Siewting and Sandy. We watched Taken in Siewting's house and while me and Siewting were screaming like mad and using the pillow to cover our face, Sandy kept her cool face. Expressionless one leh when she watch thriller shows!
Yay and I had malteasers to munch on when watching :) Then watched them eat dinner and we went down to play blind mice because someone wanted to. I am a lousy catcher! Sandy is a MONKEY she makes my heart jump, i rather get caught its so hard to dodge away from her!
OH AND WE PLAYED WITH SMALL KIDS TOO!!!! Because they suddenly barged into the playground, so we played ice and water with them. Quite cute, but tiring to the max. Active little kids :) & They had a new term!!!!!! They'll squat down and say "Mushroom head". Our generation is "twist" and cross our fingers to prevent someone from catching you. We outdated already!!!
I'm back home supposedly during to do sards (i hope not everyone did) and i'm going to pack my messy table soon. Thinking of taking a break tomorrow again and start on Sunday or Monday. I'll see :)
Library's cafe galiee brownie is nice!!!! Toppled with chocolate syrup, extra yum yum. Wna try their set meal soon too :)
OH YES ITS JESSICA BIRTHDAY TODAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :) Love u awesome chairwoman! Said what I had to say to you in my 4 pages long message :)
Weining's birthday!

At Pocketful of Posies :) Am so going there back again! Swing chairs makes us happy!!!

Step up 3d :)

Id photos :)

HAPPY TEACHER'S DAY!!!!! Love all my teachers who taught me thru the years! Cliche but really a big thank you :)

Ji Lao Shi! Who never fails to make me guilty because she's simply too nice.

AHA Mrs Kee!!!! :)

And Ms Tan :)


I laugh straight for a minute when I saw Mr Ang's comment: "yucks....can you cropped away my legs...the whole posture looks weird.."

Aces workout! We don't seem like we're doing?


Playing with polaroids before the food arrives


Their portion is so HUGE! I haven't even started on the burger and I was full and bloated already. Literally had to force it down my stomach. Curry fries was good :)

Wn got sour onion cream fries, equally nice :)

But! Had a super fun night with Siewting and Sandy. We watched Taken in Siewting's house and while me and Siewting were screaming like mad and using the pillow to cover our face, Sandy kept her cool face. Expressionless one leh when she watch thriller shows!
Yay and I had malteasers to munch on when watching :) Then watched them eat dinner and we went down to play blind mice because someone wanted to. I am a lousy catcher! Sandy is a MONKEY she makes my heart jump, i rather get caught its so hard to dodge away from her!
OH AND WE PLAYED WITH SMALL KIDS TOO!!!! Because they suddenly barged into the playground, so we played ice and water with them. Quite cute, but tiring to the max. Active little kids :) & They had a new term!!!!!! They'll squat down and say "Mushroom head". Our generation is "twist" and cross our fingers to prevent someone from catching you. We outdated already!!!
I'm back home supposedly during to do sards (i hope not everyone did) and i'm going to pack my messy table soon. Thinking of taking a break tomorrow again and start on Sunday or Monday. I'll see :)
Library's cafe galiee brownie is nice!!!! Toppled with chocolate syrup, extra yum yum. Wna try their set meal soon too :)
OH YES ITS JESSICA BIRTHDAY TODAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :) Love u awesome chairwoman! Said what I had to say to you in my 4 pages long message :)
Weining's birthday!

At Pocketful of Posies :) Am so going there back again! Swing chairs makes us happy!!!

Step up 3d :)

Id photos :)

HAPPY TEACHER'S DAY!!!!! Love all my teachers who taught me thru the years! Cliche but really a big thank you :)

Ji Lao Shi! Who never fails to make me guilty because she's simply too nice.

AHA Mrs Kee!!!! :)

And Ms Tan :)


I laugh straight for a minute when I saw Mr Ang's comment: "yucks....can you cropped away my legs...the whole posture looks weird.."

Aces workout! We don't seem like we're doing?


Playing with polaroids before the food arrives


Their portion is so HUGE! I haven't even started on the burger and I was full and bloated already. Literally had to force it down my stomach. Curry fries was good :)

Wn got sour onion cream fries, equally nice :)

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