Tuesday, November 29, 2011
Work's finally over. Chalet is over too. As well as the friendly match with East View. Third time working at sitex, first samsung next lenovo and now toshiba. Honestly speaking lenovo is still the easiest to sell, I miss working for that brand. But it was another great experience this time, enjoyed working at every it fair. Meeting funny customers, enjoying lunch & dinner during breaktime, helping out one another with annoying customers.
Haha! I met a super cute auntie! The emcee was going "Last 2 laptops going for 899! Okay another one gone, LEFT LAST ONE" Then I was like "OMG AUNTIE LAST ONE ALREADY!!! i5 8GB RAM QUICKKK!!" And she went "I BUY I BUY!!!!!" And I pulled her hand to the counter hahahaha.

I miss putting up decorations on christmas tree!!!! Dad threw away our house's christmas tree because it was dirty. But I'm feeling the festive season still! Walking past shops playing christmas songs makes me wna go caroling. I always wanted to try that out!

This girl is away on mission trip with our cell to Malacca. Hope they're all doing good there :) Texted them before they left WILL MISS ALL OF THEM SO MUCH!!! Told them to take lotsa pictures with the kids for me to see, and I told Josiah to give the kids chocolates too. I'm very sure they will be happy!!!!!! Really wish I could be there, next year I hope. Miss you much Jaz :)
Friendly match with East View went alright. We wanted to win but ended up with a draw. And I did a amazing butt-fall after scoring one. Tailbone still hurts a little! Team mates played well, really proud of them. This is a stepping stone for more matches ahead.
I think mental willpower works alot for me! I told myself I needa get at least 3 sales on the second day of sitex, and yes did it. Then the next day at least 5, and amazingly reached 7. And for the match I told myself I'm going to get in at least 1 goal, and I did it. I like how I focus on what I want to achieve, and I aim for it. Okay going keep up the tempo!
And then it was chalet! A whole bungalow to ourselves. Whipped up our own dinner which was quite yummy, played games in the wee hours, talked, watched abduction, slept in some awkward small space, cooked mee goreng + egg for breakfast and cleaned up the entire house. Another episode of great memories!
Wednesday, November 23, 2011
Yesterday we had training, kinda even strained the muscle aches we had from our pt. So this morning so horrible. Was late for lectures but I couldn't bring myself to run for the bus because my whole body was aching. Had open house prep today and it was surprisingly quite fun teaching the whole triton our mass dance! Had lotsa fun playing around and dancing to our songs, ended off with a dance battle. It was really enjoyable, stinked up the whole classroom with all our sweat even though the aircon was on.
Got a really bad sore throat coming up after the countless shoutings and cheers we did today. One thing I'm definitely proud of mj got to be the house spirit. That's what I felt even as I stepped into mj for the first time, and now I'm still feeling it.
Oh anyway I had a really meaningful bus ride home with Clara yesterday. She had some little gospel booklet in her bag ytd, and we decided to place it on the seat in front of us, hoping that someone will sit and take a look at it. Then we prayed out loud for the next person that is gna sit, and that a seed would be planted in his life. I was just really awed by the moment, because I haven't done this in ages. Reaching out to strangers.
Then there was this auntie beside us who approached and talked to us. Asked us for our school, and I was like "Meridian. (Whispers to clara: idk how to say in chinese) Uhhhhh mei lian???" Then she reprimanded us for not knowing how to speak chinese and how she despises people like us. I was so intimidated by her. Very. Then she started talking about mental patients and I just felt so scared of her. Just kept nodding my head in case I offend her. Then suddenly, I had this strong burden for her, it was so sudden. Clara had the urge to share the gospel with her, but a pity I had to alight from the bus and couldn't stay to talk anymore. Passed the gospel pack to her and really just hope she'll be blessed by it :) I AM STILL SCARED OF HER!!!
Gna work at it fair tomorrow, my third one. Gotta give school a miss though, quite bummed by the fact because I'll lag behind alot. Hopefully an enjoyable one this time again!
Got a really bad sore throat coming up after the countless shoutings and cheers we did today. One thing I'm definitely proud of mj got to be the house spirit. That's what I felt even as I stepped into mj for the first time, and now I'm still feeling it.
Oh anyway I had a really meaningful bus ride home with Clara yesterday. She had some little gospel booklet in her bag ytd, and we decided to place it on the seat in front of us, hoping that someone will sit and take a look at it. Then we prayed out loud for the next person that is gna sit, and that a seed would be planted in his life. I was just really awed by the moment, because I haven't done this in ages. Reaching out to strangers.
Then there was this auntie beside us who approached and talked to us. Asked us for our school, and I was like "Meridian. (Whispers to clara: idk how to say in chinese) Uhhhhh mei lian???" Then she reprimanded us for not knowing how to speak chinese and how she despises people like us. I was so intimidated by her. Very. Then she started talking about mental patients and I just felt so scared of her. Just kept nodding my head in case I offend her. Then suddenly, I had this strong burden for her, it was so sudden. Clara had the urge to share the gospel with her, but a pity I had to alight from the bus and couldn't stay to talk anymore. Passed the gospel pack to her and really just hope she'll be blessed by it :) I AM STILL SCARED OF HER!!!
Gna work at it fair tomorrow, my third one. Gotta give school a miss though, quite bummed by the fact because I'll lag behind alot. Hopefully an enjoyable one this time again!
Tuesday, November 22, 2011
I love camps. I love the getting together and spending the next few days together, talking our night away and sleeping in together, moaning when morning comes, wet games etc. True enough OGL camp allowed me to have my part of fun, bonding with the trionites as well. Really appreciate all the SCs for planning this, deep deep deep down from my heart. I always admire the planning committee, I tried being one before and it was really tough work so I understand what they went through. So Meridian Sc's, you guys are really true heroes :)

Night activity

Love bunking in with friends!
Last night was spent at study benches, talking laughing eating. Some went for nightwalk around school but I didn't because I was too lazy to move, they came back with stories with had my goosebumps standing up. Waited for macs to arrive at 3am, and went up to bunk around 4.30am. Always love the last night at camps!
Ending off with a 'O' cheer.
Still very much miss megalife camps. A pity this year we aren't having one :( I miss leading my group last year with small little cute girls like Shannon and Amanda. They were primary six back then, now they're secondary one, its really a heart-warming feeling to watch them grow up. Love giving hugs to them whenever I see them, and a pat on their head.
Hmm horrible pt yesterday. Ran 4.8km, did static trainings (weights, planks, leg lifts etc), then a little of sprintings. I died a little when I found out that there's training today. Hope it doesn't kill us just right after a day of pt.
Thursday, November 17, 2011
Finally caught Apple of my eye which everyone said it was nice. I'd say its worth a watch, but I still prefer happy ending storylines. Then I met sweetheart for frolick tuesdays.

Sat down and talked for ages. Feels good :)
Though I cannot make it for mission trip to Malacca this nov, I joined my cell for mission training. Feels nice to be part of the process though you can't be there in person. Always wanted to visit the orang asli kids over there but I guess its alright. I still can make a difference and help them indirectly through the planning process.
Each time I watch Eveything by Lifehouse video skit, it still touches me. And they're gna act that out. So excited for them! Watched them rehearse and it was really heart-warming. And funny at some parts! Oh and we learnt a few malay words too. For easier communication there. And learnt a happy cute dance to dance for the people there! Lastly, balloon sculpturing to end off the training. Learnt how to make heart, sword, cross, SNAKE!! Not forgetting, countless of balloon-bursting moments and screams.
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Gna join my lovely cell for more mission trainings because I really want to contribute with my heart even though I can't go.
Besides small lil cosy cafes, I don't mind meals over at hawker centres like chomp chomp. Then can order satay, honey chicken wings, carrot cake and whats-not. All the oily food, but really satisfying with great company!!! Or if I'm not in a mood to stuff myself, THERE'S A:WAYS A PRATA SHOP!! (Hopefully)
Stumbled upon Nick Vujicic's vid and I decided to watch it again and I really admired him. Life without limbs. Took a photo with him before but now I can't find it :( But really admire him for living his life without complaints. "No matter what you're going through, that God knows it, He is with you, He is going to pull you through."
Saturday, November 12, 2011
Been looking at winter clothes these past few days over at town. Its kinda fun looking at winter clothing! I don't like those windbreaker kinda material. I found the perfect dream winter jacket from pull & bear but I doubt I'll be getting it since I'll be going sweden once only. Gna borrow a few outer coats from Siewting yay she's so so so nice :)
Training today, and it wasn't one of the best one for the team. We got scolded by coach and a mini wake up call. True that, we're gna get thrased in sweden but I guess what we can do is to make an impression "hey that's the team that perseveres and never give up". Yeah! Gna work on stamina before the trip. But I need some discipline!!! Used to run every other 2/3 days but now I just lack the motivation.
I'm typing out this post while waiting for Marley & Me to load. Hopefully a good movie for a saturday night :) Oh and I just made a checklist of stuffs that I wna do. Some are not really realistic hahaha. But I shall post them up soon!
Training today, and it wasn't one of the best one for the team. We got scolded by coach and a mini wake up call. True that, we're gna get thrased in sweden but I guess what we can do is to make an impression "hey that's the team that perseveres and never give up". Yeah! Gna work on stamina before the trip. But I need some discipline!!! Used to run every other 2/3 days but now I just lack the motivation.
I'm typing out this post while waiting for Marley & Me to load. Hopefully a good movie for a saturday night :) Oh and I just made a checklist of stuffs that I wna do. Some are not really realistic hahaha. But I shall post them up soon!
Thursday, November 10, 2011
Bunz. We used to spend almost every sunday together for dance practises. Christmas dance, Easter dance. And I really love them deep down from my heart. We all have really similar personalities so its really easy for us to relate to each other. But the stuffs that we go thru are really different, but we stick through each other's tough times :') Feels like we've really grown up since last year because much has happened in our lives and no doubt I'm gna continue holding on to this friendship till we get kids and still hang out together.
Snuggled at verny's house and dearest girl bought lotsa food for us awww :) we finished up her whole huge pack of m&m's!!! Watched Enduring love, and its one show which I'd never watch again. Ridiculous storyline and when I went school the next day I couldn't help but to share the weird and disturbing storyline to my classmates!!! Hahahaha.
I really enjoy crashing friend's house because it gives me the warm and comfy feel, like you're part of them. You're part of their life. And be in just spending the whole day at their house doing nothing but just talking eating playing sleeping, I don't mind.
Found out that the new sports complex at pasir ris has pasta mania and once upon a milkshake!!! Another great hangout place for me because its so quiet. And plus I love ice cream :) Happy food!!!
Hmmm op was yesterday and YEAH ITS ALL OVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I wasn't really anxious about my op because its been one of my better component. Just afraid about the q&a but thankfully it turned out fairly well. Though I tripped over my words for one part of my presentation, laughed a little while presenting the benefits part (grr its Mr Hon's fault!!!) and forgot what I was talking abt in the middle of q&a, I'm still glad I recovered quickly after each mishap and went on. Really thank God for being beside me through the entire pw journey. Now its just one last component - i&r!!! But actually tbh, I think I'd really really miss pw!!! Anyway I was really glad all my group members did well yesterday!!!!!!!!!! Like really happy for all of us :) :) :) WE DID IT!!!!
Listened to other classmates present too and I kept smiling at them! Felt so proud of them :) Fiona says she feels less nervous whenever she sees me smiling at her when she's presenting. Aww haha smiles help alot :)
Spent post-op at old airport road for early dinner and headed to vivo for some window-winter shopping and sat at vivo deck till 10. Really great night with two of my girls whom I treasure alot :)
Snuggled at verny's house and dearest girl bought lotsa food for us awww :) we finished up her whole huge pack of m&m's!!! Watched Enduring love, and its one show which I'd never watch again. Ridiculous storyline and when I went school the next day I couldn't help but to share the weird and disturbing storyline to my classmates!!! Hahahaha.
I really enjoy crashing friend's house because it gives me the warm and comfy feel, like you're part of them. You're part of their life. And be in just spending the whole day at their house doing nothing but just talking eating playing sleeping, I don't mind.
Found out that the new sports complex at pasir ris has pasta mania and once upon a milkshake!!! Another great hangout place for me because its so quiet. And plus I love ice cream :) Happy food!!!
Hmmm op was yesterday and YEAH ITS ALL OVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I wasn't really anxious about my op because its been one of my better component. Just afraid about the q&a but thankfully it turned out fairly well. Though I tripped over my words for one part of my presentation, laughed a little while presenting the benefits part (grr its Mr Hon's fault!!!) and forgot what I was talking abt in the middle of q&a, I'm still glad I recovered quickly after each mishap and went on. Really thank God for being beside me through the entire pw journey. Now its just one last component - i&r!!! But actually tbh, I think I'd really really miss pw!!! Anyway I was really glad all my group members did well yesterday!!!!!!!!!! Like really happy for all of us :) :) :) WE DID IT!!!!
Listened to other classmates present too and I kept smiling at them! Felt so proud of them :) Fiona says she feels less nervous whenever she sees me smiling at her when she's presenting. Aww haha smiles help alot :)
Spent post-op at old airport road for early dinner and headed to vivo for some window-winter shopping and sat at vivo deck till 10. Really great night with two of my girls whom I treasure alot :)
Monday, November 7, 2011
Starting off this post with, I can do all things through Him who strengthens me - Philippians 4:11. Made J2 cards together with my lovely girl jazreel at subway. I can't imagine if its my turn right now in the midst of preparation of A's. Scary isn't it! But we're all going go through it soon.
Finally managed to talk with my dearest Kele, at subway again too (hahaha!) Our cell is forever subway-ing, or fish&co. If Sarah is around, then it'd be tea valley. The usual 3 spots haha!
Op is this coming wednesday. Tbh, no matter how much I dread pw now I WILL ACTUALLY MISS IT!!! I would really miss working together with Angela and Wiky. They've been my pillar of supports each time we have pw meetings. At tamp cfbean. Not forgetting yj too, went to his house yesterday for voice recording. It was fun being a manager! And watching our edited vid makes us feels so accomplished and happy :)
Millions of hugs and kisses to you hehehehehehe
STEAMBOAT! Yay to my cheesetofu!!!!!

Op is this coming wednesday. Tbh, no matter how much I dread pw now I WILL ACTUALLY MISS IT!!! I would really miss working together with Angela and Wiky. They've been my pillar of supports each time we have pw meetings. At tamp cfbean. Not forgetting yj too, went to his house yesterday for voice recording. It was fun being a manager! And watching our edited vid makes us feels so accomplished and happy :)
Thursday, November 3, 2011
Been rather carefree this week. The only thing that is bugging me is op! Which actually didn't take up alot of my time either. So this week I was really free, managed to do myself a favour. A run!!!! Finally. Ran on mon, tues and wed around the school track. Which I don't really fancy the idea of doing that because half of the time there are people playing soccer in the field and it feels super weird to be running around them. And I feel super embarrassed whenever someone says "Hey I saw you running just now" ahhh and my standard answer would be "Heh I was feeling bored".
Started our first mass dance prac this week too. Learnt 5 songs. Pace was much faster than colloseum's cheerleading. But it was fun finally getting together and learning new dance steps!
Oh yeah today had a talk with the pw comm and our irregular member. Addressed the issue of his attitude and stuffs and he got a lil heated in the middle of the discussion. Teacher say they're hoping not to send in the irregularities report else it would be the first time mj is doing this hence she asked our group to give him another chance. I always believe in chances and I'm definitely fine with working with him but now it seems like he's giving us the cold shoulder after today's talk with the teachers and us. Hoping for all things to go on well until the 9th, op presentation day.
Kinda getting the hang of op's q&a now. Guess the confidence and peace really comes from God. Was able to dissect the question and managed it pretty well each time. Hopefully I don't get complacent after knowing that I'm in the EE band already. Phua, just be confident of yourself and your answers alright!!!!! Your greatest enemy is always yourself, so don't get defeated by your fears :)
Ogl games days! And have I mentioned how stupid my interview went hahaha "How are m&n's made?"

Lying on the school field after a run.
See, awkward pimple on my cheek. I'm always having awkward pimples and I got it once under my eye or something and dava went "Joanne what the hell is that on your face?!?!" And Corey foo replied "PIMPLE!!!" Hahaha ah well awkward pimples.
Started our first mass dance prac this week too. Learnt 5 songs. Pace was much faster than colloseum's cheerleading. But it was fun finally getting together and learning new dance steps!
Oh yeah today had a talk with the pw comm and our irregular member. Addressed the issue of his attitude and stuffs and he got a lil heated in the middle of the discussion. Teacher say they're hoping not to send in the irregularities report else it would be the first time mj is doing this hence she asked our group to give him another chance. I always believe in chances and I'm definitely fine with working with him but now it seems like he's giving us the cold shoulder after today's talk with the teachers and us. Hoping for all things to go on well until the 9th, op presentation day.
Kinda getting the hang of op's q&a now. Guess the confidence and peace really comes from God. Was able to dissect the question and managed it pretty well each time. Hopefully I don't get complacent after knowing that I'm in the EE band already. Phua, just be confident of yourself and your answers alright!!!!! Your greatest enemy is always yourself, so don't get defeated by your fears :)


Lying on the school field after a run.
Tuesday, November 1, 2011
I dreamt that I got a baby brother last night. Aww that would be cute. I'll play with him all day long. But I still wished for an older sister. To share clothes and secrets with!
3 cafes I'm hoping to visit soon during the hols or something!
I love sitting down in cafes for catch-ups. Got lots to do over the short holidays. I feel like eating french toast for breakfast today. Oh and I love late school days but today I really have nothing to do at all. Antm doesn't want to load and I've done up my new op script. Can't be bothered to edit my I&R. Hmm maybe I'll take a long walk to white sands, drop by the library, then walk all the way to school.
3 cafes I'm hoping to visit soon during the hols or something!

Miss U cafe

Not exactly a cafe, but Lenas! Always walked past it but never gotten a chance to have a meal there.
And the Caramel cafe!
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