Monday, March 23, 2009

Once you hand a camera to Jolin she goes totally hoogaga not wanting to give you back (HAHA) We weren't later afterall! In fact we were early, they started late and we even got the time to learn a new sport tchouk ball. We won't be able to see ourselves on air though, none of us has disney LOL.

You have no idea how HARD SUPER HARD EXTREMLY HARD the ball is.

They're Team Singapore! Watch the way they play tchouk ball SUPER POWER/ VIOLENT.

I heard his name was Karma, or something like that lol.

So we did not much haha but normal half court repeatedly under the hot sun for many times, and from diff angles. Omg I was sweating like crazy nuts. Then anna tried out GA, but when she couldnt get the ball in, the director was like "Eh pretend la pretend the ball went in then yay!!!" HAHAHAHAHAHAHA

Jolin, Michelle, Jiehui, Hsintung, Joey, Hannah! Calefares.

Check out his cool pony!!

He's super nice!


"Okok last one....... " "Okay one more time, last one." "Last one, really last one this time...."
"That was like your 36th last one!!" LOL LOL

Then we had to tape all our logos because apparently "not supposed to advertise for brands". See the missing fbt logo aha!

I feel super failure ahh lol.

Anna!! Future star hahaha.

I found out a amazing fact.

He said its made up of rabbit hair!!!!!!!!!!!!

Help help the pole is falling.

Jolin forced us to take this shot because she claims its nice HAHAHA because of that white line?!

Damn cool, I was fiddling with the photographer's dslr AND I SHOULD HAVE JUST TOOK IT HOME.

Aim.......... shoot,

AND IT WENT IN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Hahahaha who am i kidding.

He looks like Li Guo Huang from this angle!


The blue shirt guy is super funny too. Producer i think.

It ended at 7 instead of 4!

My Progress Report is very ugly because of underlines. Yes933 came our school for assembly today, Dj was my P5 ambition haha! I HAVE CHINESE ORAL TMR.

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