Friday, November 20, 2009

Monday's Seoul Garden lunch.

We both look sleeeeeeeeeeepy


I miss the tom yum chicken.

And why did my hotdog expanded so much??? All of them were like swollen when I took it out from the steamboat.

I took pao too! I know, who goes Seoul garden to eat pao right. Me.

Still looking sleeeeeepy!

He go cook noodles!!!@#$%

Renia and Pc were like "Cockles very nice! Very nice!!! You must try" And I put one into my mouth, AND...... mmmmmm ewwwww not nice lor!!!!!!!!!!!!!" See my disgusted face HAHAHA

I took like so many brownies for us to share, but in the end I ate most of them because they didn't want to get fat!!!!

Ya lah don't take picture when you're eating lah HAHAHAHAHA

Thank you guys for the treat!!! Haha don't know whether they strike 4d or something, they were just like "Want go out for lunch? We treat" HAHAHA THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :) :) :)

Walked around orchard. Lights wasn't that fantastic this year, maybe because it was in the day. We almost got a chance to be on Jap television! The host approached us.

IT WAS SO FUNNY WHEN WE SAW THOSE MANNEQUINS. "Quick look under the skirt!!!! Lift it up!"

Started to drizzle so we hopped into Wisma. Guys wanted to shop so we girls just followed behind. It was always supposed to be the other way around right, hahaha! And you know orchard has like alot of underpass links, so we walked from this mall to another to other. Yes guys do shop!!!

"I dare you to walk into this LV shop and say I want this bag" LOL

Then decided to catch a movie at Cine. MY GIRLFRIEND IS AN AGENT!!!!!!! I'll probably ask my dad to buy the dvd and watch it at home again. It was so hilarious! Thank goodness the whole cinema was laughing like crazy too, or else we would be the only one laughing.


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