Saturday, March 27, 2010

Isaac's 21st birthday at Aloha! It was really sweet, with the pinata and video, yummy chocolate cake and want-to-eat-more laska (which was rly rly nice!) and games which were quite hilarious. It was hat-themed! But I didn't had any hat to match on :( C209 met up at 6 and we ended up reaching at 830. We totally got lost! Plus it was so far in, we walked and walked and sighed. BENTON CAME BACK AND SURPRISED US!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :) :) :) He had a teeny bit of accent, which is pretty cool!

Never ever book Aloha changi, it took us ages to get there. Oh yeah Joan dropped by Bedok stadium for sports meet to fetch me today. There was a passing cloud!!!!!! It rained super heavily for like less than 3 minutes, then it completely stopped raining.

Love kids alot alot alot!

They are really very cute. They bring so much joy!!!!!!!!!!! :) :) :)

We're the youngest age group there. Everyone's turning 21. We're only 16 hahaha.

Photo credits Sam Yuan.

Megallife tomorrow :)


R,LLY. said...

HI BENTON!!! Omg he talk like Angmoh?

Joanne said...

Renia: Hahahahaha haven't full accent yet!!! ABIT ONLY :( But its cool!

Anonymous said...

I AM 17!!

Joanne said...