Netball Camp rocked. :D Trained in the morning, then we all bused to kallang netball center(knc) for netball carnival in the afternoon. :D The whole bus was filled with the netballers. -.- Lol.
Played with Serangoon garden, and won. (: Then it started to rain heavily. ZZZ.
Took Seow Laoshi’s car back. :D And she ordered for us buffet for dinner! :D :D :D Man, she’s such a nice teacher okay. She used her own money not the netball fund to pay the buffet for us. (:
And I am so happy cos we didn’t have nightwalk, but had night games! :D Treasure hunt! In the dark. ._. Seniors hid 30 poker cards all over the school, and we had to find them! Junyin was the senior in our group. :D
Good thing Michelle brought her torchlight along with her. But sot sot one la, her torch. Sometimes got light, sometimes don’t have. ROAR.
-Old building only had a few lights on, but still quite dark-
Pearlyn: And let there be light! (And she flicker the switch)
-Instead, all the lights turned off, and there was total darkness-
Us: Omg! Screamingggggg.
And it turns out that Pea on the wrong switch. -.-
We practically like searched the whole buildings, but missed out quite a few. :/ Some were like RIGHT IN FRONT OF US, but we didn’t see it. -.- We should wear MEGA BIG GLASSES, then we could MEGA SEE all the cards, and MEGA-LY win the hamper.
Hamper = 9 packets of cup noodles, 6 packets of tibits & 1 big box of biscuits .
HAHAHA! We wanted to win because of the cup noodles, but we came in second. LOL.
Then went back to room and had second game. The put-your-hand-in-the-box-and-guess-what-is-it game.
AND I BLOODY TOUCHED A FISH, AND I CANT BELIEVE I TOUCHED IT! There was actually blood on the fish too! :/
I pratically raped(!!!) the whole fish cause I was trying to figure out what it was, so I touched from the head(the eyes O_O) all the way to the tail. OMG EWWWWWW! ._.
AND WE HAD FORFEIT. -.- We had flour fight! We all turned old in just a minute. -.-
My face was worst than putting opera make-up. And my hair, was like a cunning white old witch. HEHEHEHEHEHEHE.
Some flour were stuck onto our scalp, and it looks like dandruff. -.-
Wanted to go wash our hair, but the volleyballers were using all the bathrooms. So last resort: We stuffed our heads into the sink and rinse it. -.-
I think they should made sinks higher. Cause I had a difficult time lowering down my head. ZZZ.
We watched a midnight movie: Final Destination.
And omg, its like damn gross. No wait, actually its NC16. -.- Cause one part was like, ahem-ahem. -.- And yay, we had chips! :D And champagne! :D
Watched finished like around 2, felt really sleepy. Couldn't sleep at all. No pillow(floor was extra hard), no blanket(air-con was super cold), couldn't find a prefect position to sleep in, and ended up having backache. :X
Finally like around 4, I managed to sleep. LIKE YAY! :D But I tooting woke up by my handphone alarm at 6 which I set yesterday’ yesterday, and I forgot to off it. -.-
After that, I could not sleep at all. Woke up at 7.30, and chatted with Pearlyn and Yanjie(who woke up long ago), and we talked too loud, that we woke the others up.
Then everyone woke up, tidied up the room, then break camp. [:
Went to school popular to buy school books. AND ITS WAS SUPER HEAVY LA, plus the fact I still had to carry my camp bag & sleeping bag. My hands nearly broke man. Like literally.
Had Macs for breakfast. :D Whooots. And then had to lug for the things home. And everyone was looking. I stand on the escalator already took up one whole step. -.- Then I board up the bus, and that bus driver was looking at me like some kind of stupid terriost. D: Irritating.
Conclusion: Bring a trolley backpack(!!!) next time when you want to buy books. Lol.
PS: I'm packing my bag for megalife camp! :D