Wednesday, January 14, 2009

I just got a message saying that I got to sit for my chem retest and because i failed it. Chem's not my cup of coffee (how?) later retest fail again have to take reretest and again, rereretest rerereretest, omg I'm getting nowhere hahahaha.

We did jazz walk and sit rolls during creative arts dance HAHAHA which cracked me up because jonathan and co were hilarious, and i'll see how they have to suffer comtempoary dance for the first half of the year. We all do sit rolls until butt pain! HAHA.

I can't type properly and fast now because my left fourth finger got jammed during netball today and now its swollen and pain which sucks because the last injury i got from netball was during primary school.

3Hm's blog finally up!
Ivan you can remove your pm already ha.ha.ha. But its still bare now though, sorry a little busy this few days. AND BLOSSOM WHATS WITH YOUR FIRST POST. Alvin and the chipmunks.

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