Wednesday, April 2, 2008

I just cut my toenails :B

Long awaited, happy april tofoooooooos! :D Alright I am so sad okay because I didnt managed to prank anyone! Seems like april fools doesn't exist in chung cheng! Geez i am depressed. Hahaha i remember last time how we used to prank tzexian even though it wasn't april fools. Cooliz.

Dava specially picked on me again okay! I don't like that okay. I know I sold only two tickets, and I know you said I didnt tried my best and I am not worth in this class and I should just buy all the tickets. Right. But i am trying.

HAHAHA At least I got to enjoy the calculation profit part. Fishes unsold can be fried as ikan billis! Lol!

Chinese is getting worser each day. I don't like the new teaching system, which only our class are the only geunia pig that are tested on throughout the rest of the year. Its just numerous number of tests each time the teacher comes in, and you'll also see a video camera staring back at you.

History and Lit test tomorrow. Both arn't my cup of tea, so heh heh. Let's just expect underlines.

Nah I dont want to go on ranting anymore....... I just studied history in the libary with (cannotsmileproperly) person! (:

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